waste is collected at its source in each area and separated. the way that waste is sorted must reflect local disposal systems. the following categories are common:

  • cardboard (including packaging for return to suppliers)
  • glass (clear, tinted – no light bulbs or window panes, which belong with residual waste)
  • plastics
  • textiles
  • wood, leather, rubber
  • scrap metal
  • paper
  • compost
  • special / hazardous / clinical waste
  • residual waste

organic waste can also be segregated for disposal:

  • leftover food which has had any contact with meat can be collected separately to prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • meat and bone can be retrieved by bodies responsible for animal waste
  • if other leftovers are sent, for example, to local farmers, they can be sterilised before being fed to the animals
  • peel and scrapings from fruit and vegetables can be composted along with other degradable matter. Other waste can be included for composting, too, such as cut flowers, corks, coffee grindings, rotting fruit, tea bags, egg- and nutshells, paper towels etc.

chip pan oil (fryer oil), used fats, vegetable oil and the content of fat filters can be collected by companies able to re-use them. local authority waste departments can provide relevant addresses. this can be achieved by providing recycling bins.